Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cousins Photo

We have been trying to get a photo of all the cousins on Jamie's side of the family for a LONG time.  With six of the eight cousins being under the age of 6 I can assure you this is NO easy task!  I was SHOCKED when at a quick family get together we managed to a good photo with Nonni, Poppi and all EIGHT grandkids!  I ordered a large frame from The Organic Bloom and am having the photo blown up.  If you know my mother or father-in-law don't tell them about this!  It's a surprise and I can't WAIT to show Carol, this is ALL she has wanted for years!  Here is what she will be receiving!!!!!

Things like this are just one of the perks of having a photographer in the family! 

If you are in the mood for a good laugh, here was our last attempt at a photo of all the cousins.

I spread the love to MY family too!  Here was a photo of all the cousins on my side of the family.  I blew it up to poster size and had it mounted on black foam board as a gift for my parents 60th birthday.

As you can see, my parents really liked it.  I think we will get the same reaction from Carol when she gets her frame and photo in a few weeks.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Brady Class of 2015

Check out this fun senior session.  Brady drove in from the Madison area and we had a really fun session in downtown Milwaukee.  There are so many fun areas down there that are perfect for a senior session.  Brady was such a nice guy and has the most adorable dimple.  He's pretty easy on the eyes too.  :) 

Sisterly love with the Moore Family

A Sunday night session with two adorable sisters, yes please!  These two goof balls were so cute and easy to work with.  They were full of giggles and smiles.  Their dad brought with a pretty awesome photo prop for our session!  Check out his vintage truck!!!  SO FUN!  It was his very first truck that he purchased when he was a teen that he has completely restored.

The best part of this session was how close they all were.  Usually I always have to tell families to get closer, snuggle in tighter but everytime I told them were to sit for a photo, they instantly were snuggled in nice and close.  You could just tell how much they all love each other!

Friday, July 25, 2014

An Evening at the Beach with the Mitich Family

We had some great weather for our beach session with this adorable little family.  My last two sessions were with older girls so I knew this would be a total change of pace with three boys.  I was so excited to meet 3 year old twins Max and Ben as well as big brother Sam.  Boys this age are usually running non stop so I was ready for some chasing but was pleasantly surprised.  The boys were really good.  A bit shy at first and I had to really work to get some smiles but they were just so sweet and once they had a little time to warm up to me we had lots of fun.  

I was so excited when I got starting editing, so many great shots, green grass, the beach, the water, adorable people... doesn't get much better!

Thank you so much to the Mitich family for allowing me to capture some sweet photos that I hope they treasure for years to come!


Monday, July 7, 2014

So Sweet... The Watry Family

I was really excited for this session.  Norah the youngest of the siblings was in Owen's 4K class.  I really only got to see in her passing as we came and left and thought she was just quiet and shy.  Had so much fun seeing how wrong I was, this girl was a HAM!  Ethan and Grace were just as fun.  I can imagine there are some pretty fun times in this household.  Many times I am working with kids under the age of 3 so I had a blast with Ethan, Grace and Norah.. all older and I didn't have to chase any of them down.  There was another photographer at the same location who was working with a tiny baby and a very energetic toddler. He was probably jealous that I had three older kids who stood still and smiled.  :)

I just loved the colors the family was wearing too!  Great job to mom Emily for coordinating it all.  Don't let the girls delicate dresses fool you either, Grace and Norah can hang with their big brother too!  I love a girl that can pull off a dress while still being a tom boy!